Course Syllabus

Pensacola State College
Facial Program

CSP0201 - Intro to Skin Care

Ms. Brianna West (Day Class)
(251) 752 8368

Ms. Sarah Peake
(850) 304-1533


Milady’s Standard Fundamentals for Estheticians textbook and Study Guide.11th edition by: Joel Gerson Delmar Learning 2009 ISBN# 13:978-1-111-30689-2

Course Description:
This course will cover the theory as well as the practical aspects of Infection control and public safety, while following all rules set forth by state and Federal regulatory agencies governing the aesthetics arena. In addition, the student will also be required to follow the code of conduct in the college catalog and follow the directions of the campus police at all times. In Chapter nine physiologies and histology of the skin, the student will study the cellular functions of each layer of the skin and its appendages. Each student will be responsible for completing a skin analysis on every classmate using the following: Fitzpatrick Scale of sun sensitivity, global ethnicity, the skin scanner, woods lamp and loop lamp. All students are required to complete their paper work prior to performing any practical work on anyone including a skin analysis. Chapter 11 includes the disorders and diseases of the skin. Chapter 12 plays a very important role in successful skin care analysis; the skin therapist builds knowledge of indicators and contradictors involving a safe and effective treatment protocol. The aesthetics student should never diagnosis nor should they ever work outside of the scope of their esthetics licenses. Chapter 10 will also be discussed in depth over the Physiology and Histology of the skin and finally chapter 14, the treatment room.

Milady’s Standard Esthetics Fundamentals 11th Edition By: Joel Gerson

Required reading for this portion of the program will be as follows: Chapter 5, Chapter 10 Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, and Chapter 14.

Attendance                = 15%
Quizzes/Homework   = 15%
Email Compliance     = 20%
Final Exam                = 20%
Practical Application = 30%
                          Total 100%

= A    93 - 100%
= B+  88 - 92%
= B    83 - 87%
= C+ 79 - 82%
= C   75 - 78%
= F   74% & Below

Electronic Devices:
Cell phones, cell phone cameras, IPD’s, pagers, etc. shall be turned to the “off” position while attending a class or clinic program. The use of any electronic device during class, or leaving class to utilize any electronic device is disruptive to the educational environment, will not be tolerated and may result in immediate removal from the class and no opportunity to make up what is missed. The use of laptop computers during class shall only be for the purpose of the current work in class.

For class disruptions or unacceptable behavior the student or students will be asked to comply or leave. This type of behavior takes away class time and is in no way tolerated. If the behavior continues and the student will not comply when asked to leave then the campus police will be called to remove the student/students from the classroom. If the campus police have to remove a student from a class then that student may not return to class until they meet with the Director of Student Life.

It is a requirement of the program that each student keep a log book to track the number of hours and service completed. The log book will be turned in for a grade. Bring the log book to class every day. A log book satisfies the record keeping skills portion of salon/spa management.

Americans with Disabilities Act:
For students with a disability that falls under the Americans with Disability Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, it is the responsibility of the student to notify Disability Support Services to discuss any special needs or equipment necessary to accomplish the requirements for this course. Upon completion of registration with the Disability Support Services office, specific arrangements can be discussed with the instructor.

Pensacola State College provides an institutional email account to all credit students. Pirate mail is the official method of communication, and students must use Pirate Mail when communicating with the college. In cases where companion software is used for a particular class, emails may be exchanged between instructor and student using the companion software.

Absence, Tardy Policy:
Each class will start and finish on time. Students need to be in your seats at the start of every class or will be considered tardy and an extra assignment will be given.  3 tardy or 1 absence without proper notification will result in a student conference. If you cannot attend class (Sickness, death) you must call me or Mrs. Sonja before class. Excessive absences may result in withdrawal from the program at the discretion of the program director. Missed Clinics will result in zero for the day.

New Make-up work policy starting 6-6-2015
For any missed time in class Make-up work will be 4 hours’ worth of work for each day you miss. Remember you are only allowed 3 days and you will be withdrawn from the program. Due to your program being a clock hour program we have to account for every hour you are in class. In saying this if you are sick you will need a Doctor’s note to be excused. If there is a death in the family you will need to bring in a copy of the obituary. All excused absences are exempt from make-up work but cannot exceed 3 days. All make-up work will be turned in on time for it to count and must be equivalent to 4 hours of work. All work will be handed in as a hard copy that will be put in the students file with the dates associated with their make-up hours. Thanks Sonja

College Attendance Policy:
Attendance/punctuality is in accordance with the Pensacola State College course Catalog/Student handbook and Esthetics Program Policy Handbook which states: absences during the Fall Term and the Spring Term will be considered excessive if the student is absent more than the number of times a class meets per week plus once absence. Three tardies equal one absence. In short you cannot miss classes. This is a clock hour program for which you must meet 300 clock hours. If you miss more than three times you are subject for withdrawal.

Pensacola State College does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, age, religion, marital status, disability, sexual orientation and genetic information in its educational programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies: Dr. Gael Frazer, Assoc. Vice President, Institutional Diversity at (850)484-1759, Pensacola State College, 1000 College Blvd. Pensacola, Florida 32504

The student is responsible for processing an official withdrawal prior to the withdrawal deadline date for the semester/session. I will not withdraw students who cease attending, and students who cease attending without processing an official withdrawal may expect a failing grade in this class.

Program Coordinator:
Sonja McCall-Strehlow

By appointment (850) 484-1642




I have been provided with a written copy of the course syllabus and a verbal review of the syllabus was given in my presence.

I understand that I will be required to demonstrate an understanding of all information in the textbook. Some information you are responsible from will not necessarily be covered in the classroom!

My signature indicates that this material has been explained to my satisfaction. I further agree to abide by the rules and regulations outlined in the syllabus.

I understand that failure to abide by the class rules will result in disciplinary action. This may result in my withdrawal from the course.

Student Name (Print)

Student Name (sign)




Course Summary:

Date Details Due